Re: Faenza-Dark not showing correct icons in shell panel

Il giorno mar, 22/02/2011 alle 22.21 +0100, Marcel ha scritto:
> Moin,
> I'm using the Faenza-Dark icon theme, the Faenza variant for dark panel 
> backgrounds which contains light panel icons. GS still shows the dark 
> panel icons (from Faenza-Light which is in the same package, -Dark 
> inherits -Light) on it's dark panel, so they're barely visible.
> In #gnome-shell, one told me that there's something wrong with the svg 
> images since they're being recolored (?) by GS. I want to ask the theme 
> author to fix this, but what exactly should be done for the icons to be 
> shown properly? I.e. what should I ask him to do?
> Marcel

I am using Faenza as well. When I used the dark variant I had to link
some light icons (or delete some, I can't remember) since they were
missing (or they were not *light*, can't remember again).

The main point with Faenza is, as far as I know, that the theme *does
not use* symbolic icons. That would be the right behaviour (the shell
will paint them in the panel) and I think that this should be asked to
the maintainer.


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