Re: Is it possible to develop for Gnome Shell using Coffeescript?

I've used coffeescript for some of my extension (shellshape). You
wouldn't be able to use stuff like the `let` keyword, and you have to
compile in --bare mode to prevent it from being wrapped in an
anonymous function, but other than that it's pretty simple.

Oh, and you get bucketloads of warnings from gjs about "anonymous
function does not always return a value" which is kind of annoying but
ultimately harmless.

cs part of my extension:

the makefile:

and it's imported up the top of this file (const Tiling):

you should be able to do everything in CS unlike what I've done here,
it might even be a bit simpler.

2011/12/21 Erlan Sergaziev <yerlans live com>:
> Does anyone have any experience, resources to consult?
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