Is distractionless shell too distractionless? [Notification from telepathy & evolution]

After some time of using gnome-shell I noticed that shell is "too
distractionless". It is relatively easy to miss notification of email or
chat message which came during, for example, coffee break. I don't think
that chat messages are notified at all (which is good) but also those
which mention my nick/name (which is bad).

Additionally there is no way of closing some of notifications (for
example empathy notification which shows/hides empathy window).

I understand that it is challenge to find right balance but could
message be more verbose. For example:

 - After unlocking screen the 'lost' notifications appears
 - Allow to mark message as 'remind me later' (remind me in 5 minutes/at
home[2] etc.) - message will appear when I'm not busy[1]/I have free
time etc.
 - Allow to just close the notification instead of relying on
in-notification buttons


[1] Possibly it is done by setting status to busy in right top corner
but I don't use it for two reasons:

 - I don't remember
 - The notification may or may not be more important. For example reply
from user group may wait till break but message from boss should
probably be dealt instantly etc.
[2] If there is geolocation involved

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