A task panel

I am very confused by the task bar's death.
It's very confusing  my work. I change to an other application several times by minutes in order to build my mockups.
I always need to go back to the overview to find the good one.
Each time I go back I lose time trying to recognize the good application. Some of them have a look very close.
And many Times I don't reminder from which desktop I come from.

In my idea, the Overview is where your organize your work, and the fullscreen, the place where you work. Go back all the time ,It's very boring. It's give me headache too (really).

In order to be constructive, I made a new little mockup here:
I replace the existing calendar by a task panel. (I don't really understand the purpose of this solitary calendar.)

The clock become an hotspot to get a quickly access.
I add few separator in order to show the distribution between desktops
I add also an access to desktop,  I miss that too.

Thanks for listening

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