Re: Some thoughts about Gnome Shell (Keyboard Navigation; more self-explanatory UI; UI obstacles)

Am Freitag, den 29.01.2010, 10:54 +0100 schrieb Piñeiro:
> Bug about the keyboard navigation is reported here:

This bug report is about keyboard navigation inside the search results
of the activities menu.

What I'm requesting is moving windows around the display and between
workspaces using the keyboard. (Like it is done in the "put" plugin and
the "workspace switcher" / "desktop table" plugin of Compiz)...

The put plugin of Compiz allows you to press MODIFIER + Numpad to move a
window to one of the edges of the current display. E.g. if you press
MODIFIER + Numpad-7, it will move to the top-left corner. If you press
MODIFIER + Numpad-2 it will move to the center of the bottom edge. If
you press MODIFIER+Numpad 5 it will move to the center of the screen.

If the edge is on the border between two displays and you press MODIFIER
+Numpad again for that position again, the window will move to the next
screen. Compiz has a nice, simple movement animation, which make this
feature awesome. (This is of course a real power-user feature - but
pretty helpful)

The other thing I miss for keyboard navigation is to directly move
between workspaces using the keyboard. If you use the Desktop Table in
Compiz, you get a small schematic overview over the workspaces in a
small window. (If you want you can even get an image of the real content
of the workspaces).

Using MODIFIER+Cursor you could switch between workspaces. Using
MODIFIER+Shift+Cursor you could move the currently focussed window
between workspaces.

This is also a very helpful power user feature, I miss.



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