Multiple desktops and recent files

Marcus Moeller wrote:
> Hi all.
> While testing gnome-shell, my 4 year old daughter suddenly asked me
> why I am zooming in and out all the time and I had to admit that's
> exactly what I asked myself, too.
> After a while using the shell, I have noticed that the zoom effects
> started to annoy me. As the only advantage of zooming is multiple
> desktop switching, the next logical question was: do I really need
> this feature (at least in such a form as implemented in the shell).
> I have never used multiple desktops at all, as I do not like to switch
> desktops while working with a set of different applications. As my
> workflow is very individual, there also is no logical grouping of
> windows on multiple desktops.

As Francis just said, I also love multiple desktops. It's the main
functionality which moved me to linux and grasped me there. I can't go
back to windows for there is no such a functionnality (or at least,
isn't installed by default on XP). On Mac OSX, you have it, and that's
good. Actually, it's even better in the fact that we are not blocked to
horizontal movements (as in gnome-shell).

I suppose it's user-specific as I am a programmer and I often distribute
my applications in a specific way so that I can access it quickly.
On windows, you would have to switch between windows which is all but
something I like. It's messy !

Of course, you may want to keep some windows in the same workspace (e.g.
if they are from the same application, like for gimp). However, if you
have different applications, then it's better to use multiple workspaces
(in my opinion).

Marcus :

> it would be great to allow deletion and exclusion of elements (files,
> types and folders) in the recent documents history.

+ 1

Keep on doing this good job.
Alexandre Kaspar

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