Window Attention Extension

Hey guys,

Just wanted to share my newest extension with you all.  It adds "Demands Attention" support to the gnome-shell message-tray.  It should work with most recent versions of the shell.  Basically you can just download it here, , extract it into ~/.config/gnome-shell/extensions, and restart the shell.

I posted a quick screencast of how it looks, but haven't had time to put any explanations on it.

Basically the idea is that you get messages when a window asks for attention.  Popping up the notification gives you a live window preview, left clicking on the preview brings you to the window, right clicking it brings the window to you.  If you ignore the notification you get an icon in the lower right bin, and hovering over it gives you a preview of the first window of that application that requested attention.  Then once again, left clicking on the source icon brings you to the window and right-clicking brings the window to you.

Things to do.

1)  hook up the scroll wheel to scroll over the source icon if you have multiple notifications.
2)  Make the "preview" notiication sticky when hovering over the source icon, so you have some amount of time to go from source icon to notification preview.  I don't know why you would want to do it, but I am sure some people will want to.
3)  Make it look a little nicer.

Hope you all enjoy it.



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