Re: Extensions, Applets, ETC

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Colin Walters <walters verbum org> wrote:

3) "Applets": No plans for additional items on the panel at this time.
 However, we have experimented with a sidebar for larger
"widgets/gadgets".  I think probably what will work out a bit better
is a dedicated desktop for them.  The development API for them of
course is another issue, but I'd like to start from the use cases (CPU
monitor, weather display).

For the sidebar, it's good idea if your purpose is keep things hidden till you want to use them.  My eyes don't notice things on the sides as much as widgets on the top and bottom.  But for stuff like the system monitor, having it top or bottom would be advantageous.  User testing would be an appropriate mechanism to determine if this is true or not. :-)


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