Re: on application focus navigation (was: On ctrl-tab)

2009/11/26 Calum Benson <Calum Benson sun com>:
> On 25 Nov 2009, at 19:32, Jud Craft wrote:
>> So, if you don't mind my asking -- where exactly is the canonical
>> reference for GNOME GUI design?  I assume you mean the GNOME HCI
>> Guidelines 2.2 are unmaintained?  Or is it just kind of touch-and-go?
> Well, "unmaintained" suggests nobody's looking after it at all, which isn't strictly true.  We do still look at the bugs that come in, but it's true we don't fix very many of them in the stable version of the HIG.  With GNOME 3.0 looming ever larger, I'd rather we devoted our efforts to taking a step back and producing a new set of UI design documents from the ground up.

Perhaps, after 3.0, the HIG should do a stable release every six months.

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