Suggestion: Modify the Activities Button and add a search box in the topmenu panel


I think that is faster and intuitive places a searchbox in the topmenu bar. With the searchbox, it can find apps and files only navigating with the cursor buttons and pressing enter to start them. Also, it avoids the unnecessary use of the overview mode.

I think that the overview mode should be use only when it changes between desktops and organizes apps and files. Also it is useful if someone wants to see a contextual menu with all apps of the machine. But, when someone wants speed, it's better if it uses a search box that is easy to find and allows to enter directly to the apps and files, avoiding some animations that can become annoying after several uses and the tedious navigation into menus.

My idea is this: Use a logo-button instead of the normal  activities button and place a search box near this button.
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@: Activities... | Firefox (application focused)
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@ is the logo of gnome that allows to enter to the overview mode.
Activities... is the text that appears in the searchbox when this is inactive.

I hope that this idea can be interesting for the programmers.

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