Re: Updating to the latest version / rolling back to a working one

On 05/15/2009 01:47 AM, Ross Smith wrote:
> - Does running jhbuild download and compile the latest code each time,
> or does it just re-compile what I have?

It always updates to the latest version. You can do "jhbuild build -n"
to make it not update and just rebuild what is already there. Depending
on exactly what you are doing, you may need "-f" as well, to force it to
rebuild even if it thinks it doesn't need to.

> - Do I need to run git fetch or something to get updates?

No, this happens automatically

> - Can I roll back to an earlier commit if the latest is broken?  Is
> "git log --summary" the best way to see where to go back to?

Yes, you can "git checkout" an earlier commit id and then use "build -n"
(or "buildone -n") to rebuild at that point. You must use "-n" in this
case, or jhbuild will just move you back to HEAD though.

However, doing this requires knowing *which* module had the commit that
broke things, and then rolling that back may require rolling back other
modules as well if there have been API changes. In general, there is no
easy way to say "give me the build I would have gotten if I'd run
jhbuild yesterday".

> - I used these instructions to install breadcrumbs:
>   But I couldn't revert back to master, instead I had to use "git
> checkout master -f".  Is that normal?

You probably had local changes in your tree, so git wasn't letting you
change branches.

> And finally, the big one:
> - Is there any danger of me breaking the repository?  I really hope I
> have read only access.

You only have read access.

-- Dan

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