From: Jay Bee <jaybee444 gmail com>
To: gnome-shell-list gnome org
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 6:30:55 AM
Subject: Re: Global menubar (was Re: #4 on ToDo list: make the top panel prettier)
2009/1/27 Brian Fleeger:
>> Solution:
>> I recommend using a text-based Global Menu system for the near future. It
>> will be more user friendly on the smaller computer screens that are becoming
>> more prevalent, and will also give more room for content. A text based
>> Global Menu system is also cost-efficient, as a relatively small number of
>> man-hours could port the existing menu system from the in-window model used
>> today up to the top panel. Program behavior need not copy Apple's OSX [...}
>> In the long term, I do recommend a menu system that is both Global-style and
>> graphical in nature. I already have several working mock-ups of how they
>> might appear, as well as a breif description of my rationale. But it would
>> be too long an email for me to put all that here.
>Lets assume that with MPX
we can have two completely separate windows
>(applications) focused at the same time, maybe even more than two.
>Which one would get it's menu in the Global Menu?
>How would you propose to solve that issue? Fallback to in-window menu?
I actually was just thinking about a similar situation involving tiled windows. Problem: several windows are all tiled on your screen, so which one gets the menu? In the case of tiled windows, I concluded that even with multiple windows displayed side-by-side a user's activity would still be limited to one window at a time. Therefore the menu choice on the panel should reflect the window in which the user is currently active.
Your MPX scenario is more tricky, because it involves multiple users. Thinking about real-world use scenarios though, it really makes sense that MPX be used for group collaboration -- several people all working on a single document --
rather than several people all fighting to keep different windows in front of other windows. In this case I think seperating the cursers into "main" and "sub," while only allowing the "main" to switch windows would probably be best. Multi-cursor utilities are already available for group collaboration projects on Windows and Apple, and they seem to find ways of limiting the activity of the non-primary user's mouse activity.
I am sure there are other solutions though, I am just not aware.
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