Re: Starting several applications in one go

Hi Jay Bee,

You practically read my mind! I wrote down "We still have not defined how to launch several items in different workspaces before leaving overlay" a second before I saw your e-mail :).

I like what you are proposing about reserving "drag and drop" to mean that the user wants to stay in the overlay, while having clicking launch items immediately. In addition, when drag and drop is used the user's pointer ends up in one of the workspaces anyway, so they will easily be able to click on it right there if they want to go to that workspace.

We might as well implement that in the near future, and see whether we'll want some specific "lock" the overlay mode option if the operations that the user can perform while in the overlay mode get more complex.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay Bee" <jaybee444 gmail com>
To: "Gnome List" <gnome-shell-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:15:09 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Starting several applications in one go

Are there any thoughts about leaving the overlay mode ON until
explicitly discarded?
I think it would be logical to be able to click the activities button,
add few new activities and then, by dragging & dropping, launch
several applications where I want them. After that I would close the
overlay mode by clicking at the workspace/pressing Winkey etc...
With current behavior every time I launch an app the overlay mode
closes and switches me back to where I launched the app.
It will also always do the zoom-in/out animation, and it gets kind of
tiring (even though it looks nice).
This (staying in overlay) would happen *only* if user _drags&drops_
applications to workspaces, clicking an application to launch it would
behave just like now with instant switch to the workspace.
What do you think about this?
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