Adding a media manager

I was thinking about what features would need the perfect shell we all
dream of, and I found that next to network, we should have a simple and
quick way of acessing removable devices. A wile ago, I've discovered
this little project called GNOME Media Applet [1].

Basically, it's an icon with a popup menu listing devices, showing their
space usage and allowing to eject them or start common tasks.
Screenshots are self-explaining on the homepage. Though it's called
applet, it was primarily designed as a notification icon (that's on the
roadmap of the project), so it could easily be added to our shell.

To me, this approach of removable devices is better than the current
Mounter Applet because it does not clutter the panel with disappearing
icons for each drive. It allows for more actions, and displays more
information, and can look pretty nice. As in the Mounter Applet, you can
eject a drive in two clicks.

What do you think about it? Is that a needed feature? Should it appear
(with the happy few that deserve it) in the notification area, or should
we integrate it elsewhere in the overlay?


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