Re: Some thought about the shell idea

2009/2/4 Marina Zhurakhinskaya <marinaz redhat com>:
> Yes, this means we are using two panels for now. But I believe we
> will explore other options that would allow just having one panel,
> such as representing windows by icons or making the task list
> available on an optional sidebar or as a free-floating widget.

Please take the current Window Selector applet into account if you are
designing a new task picking method. It's form is just so superior to
the Window List applet ("taskbar") that you seem to be focusing on.

At least don't make two panels mandatory. We are many who only use one
panel today with gnome-panel, with the Window Selector applet in the
top right corner. Being forced to use two with gnome-shell would be a
serious regression.


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