Re: gnome warning on png format


I am in a 'big' trouble. I restarted my computer (after several months). The x does not start, stops at:
couldn't recognize the image file format for /usr/shar/gdm/themes/Default/backgrn.png

Even if I switch the default desktop to kde (but this error msg given before starting the desktop, before showing up the graphical login window).

If I remember well, the source of problem could be: 2-3 weeks ago I tried to install something to have the tiff output possibility for gnuplot. It was not successful so I deleted the source. I remember that this package was good not only for tiff but also for jpeg (maybe also for other formats?).
So I think some library linkages are broken...

What should I reinstall? What is the easiest way?

Thanks for your help; realy :-)

see the output of
strace -fvvvto /tmp/eog.out -s 2048 eog /path/to/png/file

[hegedus violin ~]$ rpm -Va | grep -i png > rpmtest.txt

Tamas Hegedus, PhD          | phone: (1) 919-966 0329
UNC - Biochem & Biophys     | fax: (1) 919-966 5178
5007A Thurston-Bowles Bldg  | mailto:hegedus med unc edu
Chapel Hill, NC, 27599-7248 |

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