Dear Sirs - I need Your help to migrate from windows !

Hello dear Sir's!

I found a problem for me using Red Hat Enterprise 4 and
Gnome Terminal 2.8.
I have to work with base through SSH using Gnome terminal 2.8 connection to server with
the same Red Hat Enterprise 4 on it!
(tset -q     displaying  xterm)
And i need to use "Transparent print " from terminal to local connected printer LPR !
I can not print at all in my aplication from Xterm
on SERVER i uses AUXILIARY PORT start-print=(27)[5i and stop-print=(27)[4i
and terminal type configured on server for my connection as VT220 !
All keys work fine even Fn keys!!!

But i do not know where can i see and change AUXILIARY PORT
configuration ESC sequences for Gnome Terminal 2.8 ?

Please Help me to migrate from Windows...?

С уважением, Шумихин Дмитрий Сергеевич.
mailto:dmithry eyeclinic ru

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