desktop and home directory query

I'm seeking input on steps I can take to correct a problem that I first
encountered with RH7.2 and now again with RH8.0. The problem is this:
when I have Ximian 1.2.0 open and also another program (any - it doesn't
seem to make a difference in the type), I find that the only 2 icons on
my desktop (trash and my home) either disappear from the desktop and/or
that become non-functioning despite being double-clicked. They will
respond again once either Ximian is closed and/or the other programs are
closed, but not before. It is really frustrating, and even if I open up
my home directory before any other programs, the home directory window
itself becomes non-functioning (i.e. cannot enter any sub-directory
within the home directory using the gui window).
Any ideas for me to solve this problem? I am using Gnome2.

ahimsa <ahimsa onetel net uk>

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