Re: Testing RPM build for "intltool" + other packages?

On 02/11 2001 16:48 Havoc Pennington wrote:

Toralf Lund <toralf kscanners com> writes:
> The included message is part of a recent discussion with one of the
> authors of "intltool" (but it applies to many other packages, too.)
> What are other people's view on this?

The forwarded message doesn't really have enough context for me to
figure out what's going on. What the proposal?
Well, I was complaining about the lack of RPM support in "intltool" and many other GNOME modules, too .spec files are included in more or less all source directories, but checking out, then building RPM in hardly ever works directly, in my experience. The problem is simply that the process isn't tested often enough, and I was told that in the case of "intltool" at least, the reason is that the maintainers don't use rpm, or (as far as I understand) any other package management system, themselves (a bit surprising to me as I think installing directly from source leads to much more trouble in the long term.) My response to that was that RPMs ought to be build regularly just the same, as the process is also a nice and simple way of testing the module's consistency. I was then asked for volunteers to the job. And since GNOMEhide from what I understand is or will be a collection of RPMs build quite often, and also because I'm assuming everyone on this list is using rpm, I thought it was appropriate to forward the request.

- Toralf

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