Bug when Double-side print in evince

Hi, everybody

I encountered the double-side print problem with evince, and Nickolay replied that it may be gnome-print problem. I don't know if this problem is reported by other one, so, please help me to solve it.
Thank you so much,

BTW I am using FC4.

В Пнд, 22/08/2005 в 15:55 -0700, Linuxer Wang пишет:
Hello, everybody

I am using evince version 0.3.1, the double-side print actually dosen't
work as I imagined.
I create an open office document, and adjust the left edge to be 2cm,
and the right edge to be 1cm, then I print it with double-side (No reverse).
But the even numbered page is printed just as printed with no double print.
So, I am not sure in this version the double-side print really work.

I like evince very much.

Hi. This really should be gnome-print problem. Can you file bug in gnome
bugzilla? Please check if other gnome applications like pdf has the same

Thanks for using evince.

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