[gpm] Suspend 2 hibernate scripts working but gnome-power-manager does not on Dell Inspiron 6400

Hi I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 running Gentoo and have been using Suspend2 enabled kernel.
# uname -a
Linux kelpie5 2.6.18-suspend2 #5 SMP PREEMPT Sun Oct 1 10:38:47 EST 2006 i686 Genuine Intel(R) CPU T2400 @ 1.83GHz GNU/Linux
Using this I have been able to get hibernate to disk and ram both to 
work properly, but i would like to use a Desktop accessible solution, 
i.e. gnome-power-manager, but I can't see how to tweak gpm to get it to 
work at all.  I need to do a number of  things like unloading and 
reloading drivers and services (wireless network & laptop_mode required 
for cpuFreq stuff) and also fiddle with sound volume levels to get the 
sound to restore properly.
It would be really good if gpm just invoked the suspend2 hibernate & 
hibernate-ram script, or allowed me to say what script to call for 
suspend to disk and ram.

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