Re: [gpm] Gnome Power Manager and Brightness

Apparently, my previous response was held because of the attachment size. So, i am resending it with gzipped version of the same output file.
Here is the info.

# rpm -qa | grep -i hal

# rpm -qa | grep -i power

I have attached the file lshal.out.gz to this e-mail.

Thanks for you help.



Richard Hughes wrote:
On Thu, 2006-11-16 at 09:39 -0800, Srikanth Konjarla wrote:
Running FC6 on a laptop (Averatc 7170-EC1) with NVIDIA GeForce Go 6100 (NVIDIA's driver). What i have found is that the "Brightness" option is missing from the Gnome Power Manager preferences. Wondering what could be reason and how i can get it.
Probably because you are either running old versions of HAL or
gnome-power-manager or your hardware does not have support. Can you
please attach lshal, and provide the version numbers of
gnome-power-manager and HAL.

Many thanks,


Attachment: lshal.out.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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