Re: [gpm] Suggestion for different use of panel icons

On Sun, 2006-06-11 at 12:06 +0200, Jaap Haitsma wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently GPM changes the icons depending on the charge percentage. It's
> showing the 000 icon if the charge is between 0% and 10%. See table here
> below which I copied from [1].


> Issue with this is that if you have 2 batteries or a high capacity
> battery that 10% can still mean that you have over one hour to go.

I need another laptop with high capacity batteries... ;-)

>  My
> suggestion is to still have the above icons but let them have all the
> same color. (Now the 000 icon is red to indicate critical) and the 020
> icon is yellow to indicate low). And to add to icons low and critical
> which are show if the time remaining is below a certain value (e.g. 30
> minutes for low and 10 minutes for critical)
> What do you think about this?

Yes, this is a good idea. We also need to factor into the spec the
percentage only scale, i.e. where the time remaining is incorrect.

So, I'm thinking:

020	 11% - 30%	green fill 20%
040	 31% - 50%	green fill 40%
060	 51% - 70%	green fill 60%
080	 71% - 90%	green fill 80%
100	 91% - 100%	green fill 100%

overridden by (time policy):

low	 30 min		yellow fill 10%
critical 10 min		red fill 10%

or overridden by (percentage policy):

low	 11% - 30%	yellow fill 20%
critical 0% - 10%	red fill 10%

How's that sound?


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