Conference call #2.

Hey guys,

We're having a conference call tomorrow at 1pm EDT to get the
organization for the summit going.  Here is the dial-in data:

    US/Canada Dial-In Number:  (800) 285-4022
    International/Local Dial-In Number:  (706) 634-2205
    Conference Name:  Ximian, Inc.
    Leader's Name:  Nat Friedman


Our agenda:

    * Facilities.
        - Classrooms.
        - Projectors, other equipment.
    * Housing
    * Schedule/agenda for the summit.
        - What format should we follow?
        - What things definitely need to be covered?
        - Useful to have presentations/tutorials?
        - Call for papers/talks/BOFs?
    * Registration.
        - Need to get that thing announced.

Ximian guys, we'll be meeting in the Madrid conference room.

See you there!



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