Re: gnome-pilot may be removed from default Ubuntu install

Hi Daniel,

On Wed, 2009-03-04 at 17:12 +0100, Daniel CLEMENT wrote:
> Hello,
> On Tuesday 03 March 2009, 17:06 +0000, Matt Davey wrote:
> > Ubuntu users: a bug/issue has been logged suggesting that gnome-pilot be
> > removed from the default Ubuntu installation.  If you want to register
> > your opinion, the issue is logged here:
> >
> > with a forum discussion here:
> >
> I think I'll post a comment there. IMHO when I tried Ubuntu some 2 yrs
> ago, the Gnome-Pilot was one of these things that made this distro feel
> so user-friendly to me. I appreciate this software, which integrates
> nicely with Evolution, and the support we get from this forum.

Thanks for your words of support!

> One comment reads: "From the launchpad page, it appears development
> upstream has stopped." I don't quite understand. 

The poster is unaware of the 2.0.16 and 2.0.17 gnome-pilot releases.  I
guess Ubuntu haven't picked them up.  I think there was another post
correcting this error.

> However, reading the various comments, I found some of them less than
> friendly... If I were a developer, I wouldn't have found this pleasant
> to read.

That's why I posted my previous message.  There were very few voices
coming from owners of Palm devices.


> Palm certainly won't drop _any_ form of sync operation. I see they have
> a new device under "webOS" about to be released. OTTH, some users manage
> to install an open source system on their treo/palm. But what will
> Gnome-Pilot become in the middle of all this?

This is an interesting question.  My own guess is that it is most likely
that a project like opensync will support the new palm devices:

gnome-pilot is deeply embedded with pilot-link which in turn in
inherently based on the PalmOS Desktop Link Protocol.  We don't yet know
what webOS syncing will look like, but my guess is "nothing like DLP"
and pilot-link/gnome-pilot will become obsolete.


> I definitely hope Gnome-Pilot will at least remain _available_ to Ubuntu
> users, and that the Ubuntu and Gnome-Pilot teams will continue to
> communicate.

I'd be confident that gnome-pilot will remain available for several
years to come.


Matt Davey		Socrates said man is never free, but Socrates
mcdavey mrao cam ac uk 	   never windsurfed.

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