Gnome-pilot consistently crashes.

Gnome Pilot List,

I have subscribed to this list in hopes of enlisting expert advice, as I have stumped my local Linux User's Group.

I have a Palm Pilot TX and Ubuntu Dapper 6.06.

The issue is that when trying to hotsync with gnome-pilot, there are two significant issues. One is that it only rarely connects at all. The other issue is that when it does, and begins the process of syncing, it always crashes before completing.

With the first issue, I'm not sure what to say. After weeks of struggle, I was able to get to the point where I could complete the wizard (druid?) that starts when one first runs gnome-pilot. It found my Palm, retrieved my user name, and created a directory for back up files in my home directory. After that, getting gnome pilot to successfully connect requires conditions that I have not yet been able to determine.

For example, if I successfully get a connection, it will go through and then crash (see issue #2). After that, getting a connection again seems only possible if I reboot. Or, sometimes if I restart the process, I can get it again. Also, if my Palm ever times out while waiting for a hotsync (say if I'm experimenting with using J-Pilot), then I can not get a connection with gpilot again.

All in all it's seemingly random as to when I can get a connection and when I can't.

The second issue is that when I do successfully connect to gpilot and it tries to synchronize, it crashes every time. The second progress bar gets to the exact same point at about three quarters complete, and then it crashes. It gives me a warning which says gnome-pilot had ended unexpectedly, and asks if I would like to "inform developers". I tried informing the developers the first time it happened. But it was too lengthy a process to repeat each time it crashed.

I have experimented with turning of all the conduits, and then turning them on one by one. But regardless of which conduit I'm using, the result is the same.

It might also be worth mentioning that I can not at all succeed in syncing with J-pIlot, pilot-xfer, kpilot, or pilotmanager. So as inconsistent and crash-prone as gpilot is, it has so far got further than any other app.

If there is more specific information needed, please let me know what to provide and what commands I need to extract the information. Please be aware that I am an end-user, not a Linux-guru, so I can not be relied upon to understand explanations that are too technical.

Thank you for reading this, and I look forward to any help anyone may be able to provide.

Dave M G

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