Re: gnome-pilot-2.0.14pre6 released

Le mercredi 30 août 2006 à 10:45 +0100, Matt Davey a écrit :
> Congratulations to the pilot-link team for the enormous work that has
> gone in to the release of pilot-link 0.12.0.  It's great to see this
> release out the door.
> Now that pilot-link 0.12.0 is released, I've updated the gnome-pilot
> 2.0.14 pre-release series, with gnome-pilot-2.0.14pre6.
> There are only minor changes since pre5:
>   o  When built against pilot-link 0.12.0, there is a new 'usb:' device
>      option, to enable the use of pilot-link's libusb syncing.  Note
>      that gnome-pilot doesn't check that your version of pilot-link
>      has got --enable-libusb compiled in, nor that you've got the visor
>      module blacklisted, etc. etc.  See David Desrosiers excellent howto
>      for libusb syncing.  Once you've got libusb working for pilot-xfer
>      you should be able to select 'usb:' as your device name in
>      gnome-pilot and be in business.
>    o Fixed the applet message area, which had been broken for a while.
>    o Very minor other changes, related to internationalisation of a few
>      strings.
> The pre-release can be downloaded from:
> ... and check the known issues on that page.
> With the release of pilot-link 0.12.0, it should now be possible for
> people with international charsets to set the PILOT_CHARSET variable to
> get gnome-pilot to translate your international characters correctly
> (note: the Evolution conduits have not been ported yet... see the 'known
> issues').
> I consider pre6 a release candidate, so please raise a bugzilla item on
>, or post to gnome-pilot-list if you find issues.

I'm currently upgrading Mandriva cooker to pilot-link 0.12.0 +
gnome-pilot 2.0.14pre6 (and so on).

When pilot-link is build with libusb support (as I did on cooker), I
think gnome-pilot should try to migrate user configuration
from /dev/tty* to usb: automatically, otherwise, people will not
understand they need to configure something (which is not obvious at all
btw). It might be even better to hide the Device combobox when usb is
selected, with libusb support enabled.

Frederic Crozat <fcrozat mandriva com>

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