MAL Conduit in CVS crashing

I'm trying to use gnome-pilot and gnome-pilot-conduits from CVS, and I believe the MAL conduit is
crashing. The weird thing is that it only seems to happen when I'm using the Pilot Applet. I
haven't been able to get a backtrace yet, but I wanted to make sure that this gets noticed before
2.0.14 gets released.

I should be able to get a backtrace in a few days and see if I can come up with a patch for it.
One note: I did notice that a pi_buffer_t structure is being freed and then the pibuf->data member
is being used (not directly, but indirectly). This happens in malsync.c:readDeviceUserConfig32()
and readDeviceUserConfig31(). These lines are probably incorrect:
     r = AGBufferReaderNew(pi_buf->data);    
     pi_buffer_free (pi_buf);
AGBufferReaderNew doesn't create it's own "data" storage, but uses the memory location of
pi_buf->data for it's own use. This means pi_buf can't be freed until after 'r' is done being
used. Fixing this did NOT fix the problem, however, so I'm still investigating (which will take
the backtrace I've been unable to produce)

If anyone has any other ideas or has seen this problem, please let me know.

Nathan Owens

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