Re: Webcal support

> The support is quite poor. 

> It can get the calendar, but can't commit any changes to it. 

> It doesnt't download changes made to calendar although i have set it 
> to update calendar every 30 mins. 

> E also doesn't support http authentication. 

> Hopefully Evolution's webcal support gets better some day, but for 
> now i'm ready to change to Mozilla calendar.

	I assume you've reported all of the above issues in the 
Evolution bugtracker, with details about what problems you had, and 
what your results were, right?

	Unreported bugs don't get fixed, if nobody knows about them.

	Why not help them fix these, rather than switch to another 
entirely different application that meets your needs even less (and 
which you'll have to start from scratch with anyway)?

David A. Desrosiers
desrod gnu-designs com

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