Re: Can I add the charset parameter to the pilot device configuration?

There is a patch floating around, dated 2002, that aimed to pick up a PILOTCHARSET environment variable and use it in pilot-link's convert_ToPilotChar. It was never incorporated into pilot-link, so maybe David Desrosiers will comment.

	We follow the Palm SDK pretty closely.. and it defines:

#define encodingNameAscii       "us-ascii"
#define encodingNameISO8859_1   "ISO-8859-1"
#define encodingNameCP1252      "Windows-1252"
#define encodingNameShiftJIS    "Shift_JIS"
#define encodingNameCP932       "Windows-31J"
#define encodingNameUTF8        "UTF-8"
#define encodingNameUCS2        "ISO-10646-UCS-2"
#define encodingNamePalmGSM     "palmGSM"
#define encodingNameBig5        "Big5"
#define encodingNameBig5_HKSCS  "Big5-HKSCS"
#define encodingNameGB2312      "GB2312"
#define encodingNameHZ          "HZ-GB-2312"

Any other charset is out of scope, including CP1250. If we add some inclusions to handle $PILOTCHARSET, we have to make sure it meets one of those specified to be output by the Palm itself. I suspect the problem Ladislav is having is elsewhere. I'd still be interested in his patch, however. Make sure your patch is against current CVS HEAD, not 0.11.8 though.

David A. Desrosiers
desrod gnu-designs com

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