Re: How to Sync Handspring Using GNOME PIM Conduit?

On Fri, 2004-06-18 at 17:37, Michael G. Morey wrote:
> Adam,
> Thanks for the prompt reply.  I'm not sure what model of Treo I'm 
> using.  It's actually rebranded as a Sprint cell phone.  There's no 
> model designation imprinted on the case, as far as I can tell.

Okay.  Is it bulky and grey with a big flip lid (like my 300), or sleek
and black with small keys that bulge out and a camera in back (the 600)?

Oops, should have recognized your vendor/product ID in the first post. 
You have a 300.  (You're right, it doesn't indicate its model number
anywhere...)  It will crash your system hard right after you sync it.

> Our 
> firm's policy is not to use packages from debian/testing or 
> debian/unstable, because we want to have a stable environment.  
> Nevertheless, I do use a few select back-ports to Woody on 

I'm afraid that's somewhat inconsistent.  Backports should not be
expected to be stable, and are generally a pain to support.  But having
just migrated from stable to testing with a Treo 300, I'm in as good a
position as anyone to help you. :-)

Then again, my recommendation for testing just went out the window as
parts of GNOME 2.6 entered testing today, and other parts didn't, so
testing is currently worse than unstable, at least for now... 
(gstreamer and the gnome-print infrastructure are not in testing yet)

But you do need kernel 2.6.7 to sync the Treo 300, and that means Debian
testing/unstable (well, when 2.6.7 packages show up that is).  But then,
2.6.6 with the patch that's supposed to fix it crashed on my desktop the
other day...  I'll keep you posted.

> I don't have gnome-pim or gnome-pim-conduits installed.


> Here are the results of my test using pilot-xfer:
>     The connection between your handheld computer and the desktop could 
> not be established.  Please check your setup and try again.
> Any other suggestions as to how to go about testing?

Okay.  You don't have the visor module loaded...

The easiest thing to do is apt-get install hotplug.  Then when you hit
sync, it should recognize the device and load the visor module.  And
when it's done, the Treo will be happy and your files synced (or with
"pilot-xfer -l" it will just list the files on the Treo).  Then your
laptop will crash.  Sorry.  Do you still want to try it?


-Adam P.

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