Re: gpilotd-control-applet and drag-and-drop events

On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 20:26, Jake Gage wrote:
>   After dragging one PRC file to the applet, the applet becomes
> unresponsive to dragging a second PRC file onto the icon.

Actually after dragging a PRC to the applet, the applet appears to
become unresponsive to anything, and burns all available cpu.  When the
applet was killed (sent a kill to it from a terminal), I saw the PRC
file icon reappear and fly back to the originating window.

[Not sure if the cpu soaking started right after the drag-n-drop or on
hotsync after drag-n-drop]

>   Anybody else observing this? 


My system is RH9/XD2 current (with glib2 downreved to make gpilotd
usable), running gnome-pilot 2.0.9 from the XD2/evolution channel.

I've opened a bugzilla on this and cc-ed you in

[ Nigel Metheringham           Nigel Metheringham InTechnology co uk ]
[ - Comments in this message are my own and not ITO opinion/policy - ]

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