gpilotd wait too short or something wrong with USB?

I've got a Clie 760 which I've been trying to get to work with my RH7.3 install.  Everything except gnome-pilot seemed to work just fine.  In particular, while pilot-xfer worked great, gpilotd would never notice the USB connection - as far as I could tell, it should have been working.  After some hacking on gpilotd, I noticed that it waits 2 seconds after notification to /proc/bus/usb/devices.  Turns out that if I up it to 10 seconds it all works (albeit with a much longer initial delay).  So, the question is "what's going on?"  Is this the clie's fault?  the usb/visor driver?  the devices file appears to get kicked very quickly, but doesn't actually get fully populated with info for several seconds - this seems wrong but I've absolutely no experience with driver hacking.


gnome-pilot 0.1.67
pilot-link 0.11.5
kernel 2.4.19
glibc 2.2.5
Michael Thome      Distributed Systems and Logistics
BBN Technologies
10 Moulton St, Cambridge MA 02138

phone: +1 617 873 1853
email: mthome bbn com
AIM/Yahoo: mthome1056

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