Can't compile gnome-pilot

Hi, I need some help trying to figure out what's wrong. I am unable to
compile gnome-pilot, v 1.65 patched, nor the one patched from cvs
repository. Here is the error I get. ( explanation of what I have done
so far to try to make it compile is below the error. )

b/ -lcrypt -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib/ -Wl,--rpath
./.libs/ undefined reference to `sync_CopyToPilot'
./.libs/ undefined reference to `sync_Synchronize'
./.libs/ undefined reference to
./.libs/ undefined reference to `sync_MergeToPilot'
./.libs/ undefined reference to

1. I got the pilot-link version 0.10.99 checkout from cvs of repository on tuesday. compiled it and installed it.

2. Removed old pilot-link rpm version from my system. Run make install
of pilot-link again. Installed it in both /usr/local and /usr
--I can use pilot-xfr, etc... with my clie 760 without any problems.

3. I searched for ( I assume that is the one that has those
classes or whatever the sync_* are ) on my HD because I thought that
there is an older version of the file somewhere, but that is not the

4. I searched the web, read through the gnome-pilot archives, to see if
someone had similar problem, those discussion that I saw with the
problem didn't solve mine. 

The only difference I saw was in a post with similar problem is that the
pilot link was checked out from, not
Could this be it? If so can someone send me the repository link and
directory to it. I appriciate any help on this one. Thanx

Rafal Gan

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