Re: Identifying user

Stuart Luppescu wrote:
On 火, 2002-06-18 at 11:01, Dominic Amann wrote:

Martin Skjöldebrand wrote:

Has anyone managed to solve the problem with syncing to an USB Visor
stopping at

"Identifying user"

? I remember from about ½ a year ago I had these problems which  never
got solved. I've been in KDE since but would very much love to get
Evolution syncing with my Visor.


I had similar problems. This is my checklist of things to be working before sync works:

lsmod must list visor and usbserial.

These are there.

/proc/bus/usb must contain files

001  002  devices  drivers

if not,
mount -t usbdevfs none /proc/bus/usb

I'm still having trouble with this. My /proc/bus/usb only has this:

-r--r--r--    1 root     root            0 Jun 18 14:21 drivers
-r--r--r--    1 root     root            0 Jun 18 14:21 devices
dr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root            0 Jun 18 14:21 001/

001 has an 18 byte file 001. When I tried to mount /proc/bus/usb I got
the message
mount: according to mtab, usbdevfs is already mounted on /proc/bus/usb

I can't figure this out. In addition, when I boot with devfs, the
expected /dev/usb entries are not there. (In fact, there is nothing
under /dev/usb.) But when I boot without devfs, I can use
/dev/usb/ttyUSB1 to sync.
This usb stuff is a mystery to me. If anyone can help with devfs and usb
in general, I'd be very grateful.

(I'm running kernel 2.4.19-pre10 with xfs 1.1, pilot-link 0.10.99, on a
PIII, with a Palm M515.)

devfs is different, and quite experimental. devfs builds filesystem objects for every device automagically, instead of using mknod to do it. The "usbdevfs" is rather like devfs, but it is not the same thing. AFAIK it is a kludge to give the same functionality without the uncertainty of full devfs support.

Under devfs, you may find them under /dev/usb/tts/0 and /dev/usb/tts/1 if your kernel is anything like mine.

My linux also automatically mounts /proc/bus/usb as well, in its gpm (console mouse) startup script. This is a "just-in-case" for usb mice.

for the missing 002: how many USB ports do you have? I have two, so I have two entries. Also, each port creates 2 serial channels for usb-serial, one for data interactions, which is visor, and the 0 port for some other purpose I am not too clear on.

Dominic Amann, Linux Based Solutions Ltd., <>
	18 Candlewood Cr, Toronto, ON M3J 1G8
	Tel: (416) 638-8649 Fax: (416) 630-1584

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