
It seems NetSync is very broken :-(

I've added details to the config file by hand so that gpilotd
doesn't crash.

It seems that network_device_in is correctly called when the Palm
starts to HotSync, but after a few moments it is called AGAIN. This
fails and returns.

After the first (successful) hotsync, network_device_in is returned
from but is then never called again. I've even tried to check that the
sync was successful and do a 

gpilot_device_deinit (device);
gpilot_device_init (device);
monitor_channel (device, context);

but this simply causes network_device_in to be called twice quickly
and fail both times. I noticed that network deint() code doesn't
exist, so I added some 

static void
gpilot_network_device_deinit (GPilotDevice *device)
	if (device->io) {
	   g_source_remove (device->in_handle);
	   g_source_remove (device->err_handle);
	   g_io_channel_unref (device->io);
	if (device->fd) {
	   close (device->fd);

Now though pi_bind() fails saying the address is already in use.

In the end I've had to call exit(0) after a successful sync, and have
the panel applet start a whole new gpilotd.

Helge Jensen in
seem to suggest that gpilotd needs pi-csd to work. pi-csd stuff seems
to be built in, can someone explain ?

Does anyone else use NetSync ? I presume network_device_in() being
called too often or not at all is a bug in g_io_add_watch() stuff ?



Part 3 MEng Cybernetics; Reading, UK
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