Sync problems when battery_applet is up

I spent several hours trying to troubleshoot a communications problem
between my Palm IIIc and my linux box. I started the battery monitoring
applet yesterday (I happen to work on an Inspiron 8000). All my problems
ended when disabling the monitor (i.e. battery_applet
--activate-goad-server=battery_applet). This applet seemed to bother
pilot-link as well. Anyone suffering from the same?


| Mario J. Borgnia, Ph. D.        |
|                                 |
| Lab of Cell Biology             |
| NIH NCI/CCR                     |
| 50 South Drive Rm 4306 MSC 8008 |
| Bethesda MD 20892-8008          |
|                                 |
| Tel: (301) 594 0563             |
| mborgnia nih gov                |
"Those who would sacrifice 
 essential freedoms for temporary 
 safety deserve neither."
               -- Benjamin Franklin

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