Re: How do I access my palm?

On 15 Aug 2001 16:35:17 -0700, Patrick Lane wrote:

If you're running Gnome as your UI, you can run gnome-pilotd.  Gnome-pilotd
handles USB Plams.  It doesn't come with much for sync'ing
with PIM style applications.  My understanding is that there are conduits under
construction that will be available later.  Evolution is supposed to support
conduits, but to get that support you have to download Evolution and build it yourself.


> I've just bought a Palm m505. I have no prior experience of using it
> with Linux. It conects to my computer through a USB port. How do I 
> access it? What software do I use? I'm just looking for general 
> information. Any help is greatly appreciated.
> --Patrick
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