Re: Loading conduit "XXX" failed

On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Atte Andre Jensen wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Per Goetterup wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I'm new to both pilots and gnome and have just successfully configured my
> > pilot link. So far so good.
> > 
> > <snip>
> > I'm probably doing something basic wrong but I've been unable to find any
> > help in the FAQ so I'm asking you all...
> Are you sure pilot-link works? Can you run pilot-xfer -l?

Yup! - No problem! - after I remembered to disable the daemon... :-)

I get this list:

Waiting for connection on /dev/ttyS1 (press the HotSync button now)...
Reading list of databases in RAM...
'IBPlug ToDo'
'IBPlug DateBook'
'IBPlug Address'
'IBPlug ToDo (AN)'
'IBPlug Event (DB3)'
'IBPlug Memo'
'IBPlug Address+'
'IBPlug ViewerIII'
'IBPlug Diddle'
'IBPlug Big ToDo'
'IBPlug Clipboard'
'Base Converter'
'Parens Lite'
'Sys Info'
'BigClock data'
'Graffiti ShortCuts'
'Unsaved Preferences'
'Net Prefs'
'System MIDI Sounds'
'Saved Preferences'
List done.

Now what?

It obviously isn't the link - it's something gnome-pilot related... :-)


Per Goetterup                         Email: per netgroup dk
System Administrator                  Phone:   +45 3313 0055
NetGroup A/S                          Fax:     +45 3313 0066
Store Kongensgade 40H                 ICQ#:          9042837
DK-1264 Copenhagen K                  Web:

"Automatic" simply means that you cannot repair it yourself.

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