Re: Gnome-pim, syncing etc.

Peter Astrand wrote:

> Hello. Is it OK to use this mailing list for gnome-pim discussions, or
> should I use another one? Anyway, I have som questions:

There used to be one, it got lost when gnome web was redone.
You can optionally email steintr directly (rms39 columbia edu).
He's the current active gnome-pim maintainer (and I'm the release

> 1) Web pages. It would be nice with links between

This one has a link to gnome-pilot

> and

Mmmm, not sure about this....

> 2) Gnomecal TODO says:
> - Add a calendar-week so that people know which week of the year it is

You should mail your diffs to steintr.

> 3) Gnomecal TODO also says:
> * Add placeholders for deleted events, so that we can kill those
>   when syncing to the pilot.
> Are anyone working on this? It would be nice to have this, it's one of the
> main things missing IMHO.

This is moot now, since all pilot development for gnome-pim as been stopped
in eager anticipation of evolution.

> 4) About Gnomecard synchronization: As the FAQ says, changes in Gnomecard
> are not reflected in the Pilot. This is sad. Are anyone working on
> this? How much work is required to fix this?

See 3).


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