weird packet

Can anyone offer some debugging advice?   I've not been able to get my
PalmIIx to synch reliably and the problem seems to be with pilot-link. 
It's definitely not my Palm or my PC because when I boot up Win98, the
synch works perfectly on the same hardware.

When I push the synch button, the Palm screen and gnome-pim popup window
indicate that synchronization is going smoothly.  But after several of
the apps have been backed up, a bit of red text flashes across the
gnome-pilot popup and then the popup vanishes; the Palm screen then says
that the connection was lost and that some of my data was not backed up.

So, I tried running pilot-xfer from the command line.  At the point
where the synch fails, pilot-xfer prints an error message saying that it
got a "Weird Packet" and then it errors out.  Where it fails is
unpredictable but it usually seems to be on large apps or DB's.

1.) How can I get gnome-pim to show the red error text long enough 
    for me to read it?  
2.) What is a weird packet and how do I make it go away?
3.) Does anybody else have this problem?
4.) Where can I look for an explanation of Palm's synch data stream?
5.) I'm confused about who is maintaining pilot-link.  Who
    should I contact?

 - Red Hat 6.2
 - gnome-pilot-0.1.55-0_helix_1
 - pilot-link 0.9.5-pre3 
 - gnome-pim-1.2.0-0_helix_1

Thanks for the help,


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