gnome-pilot 0.1.49

Announcement also at

GnomePilot 0.1.49


  * Development code available from the Gnome CVS server, module
  gnome-pilot, this release has tag GNOME_PILOT_0_1_49.

  * Also available from in
  .tar.gz, i386.rpm and .srpm form.

  Additional conduits (currently only the MAL conduit) are now
  available in the gnome-pilot-conduits package, cvs module
  gnome-pilot-conduits, this release has tag GNOME_PILOT_CONDUITS_0_1.

  Also available from in
  .tar.gz, i386.rpm and .srpm from

  New since last release
  * Much GUI improvement
    * setup via druid when starting the applet for the first time
    * more menu entries in the applet
    * display progress box during sync
    * new and improved capplet, which handles multiple cradles and pilots

  * many bug fixes

  * progress support in gpilotd

  * .conduit files for conduit description

  * new better libgpilotd, the gnome-pilot client lib

  * new better libgpilotdcm, the conduit management lib

  * backup conduit supports database exclusion (no config tool yet though)

I still wish to point out, that parts of the synchronization code is untested, since there
still are no completely finished conduits. However, the logic required by the existing
conduits (eg. the GnomeCalendar conduit) checks out ok.
Also the memo_file conduit may sometime create invalid memo's on the pilot.
  Additional notes
To try the druid, do a rm ~/.gnome/gnome-pilot.d/*, and start the PilotSync applet
You'll want to delete ~/.gnome/gnome-pilot.d/conduits* anyways, for the new conduit system to

  Bug reporting

I am especially interested in bug reports reg. getting the package up
and running on a vanilla installation. This includes both bugs, and
suggestions for making installation easier.  If you encounter
problems, please use for bug reporting, and remember to
include the following (if possible);

  * Output from gpilotd. Eg. if you have problems with a
  control-center applet, first do a killall -9 gpilotd (WARNING: this
  is linux only, don't do this eg. on Solaris), then run gnomecc from a
  terminal, and capture all the output.

  * Stack traces, after gpilotd coredumps, do a echo where | gdb
  `which gpilotd` core, grab the output and include in your bug report,
  this makes it so much easier for me to find the error.

  * Even better, use bug-buddy to report bugs after a coredump, but
  please, try and figure out what causes the bug so you can tell us how
  to reproduce it.



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