Re: moving Pilot conduits from gnome-pim to gnome-pilot

On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, James Pullman wrote:

> I imagine a gnome-pilot package, and a gnome-pim-conduits package
> would be fairly ideal.  With a Required: between them of course.

Which, it of course has.
> Incidently, while on the topic of gnome-pim, what's gnome-pilot's
> involvement going to be with the Evolution project?  With gnome-pim
> being folded in, it's moderately important.

It is. I haven't begun anything on this subject yet, but I'm keeping an
eye out, and intend to ensure that when evolution hits the streets,
gnome-pilot won't be to far behind. Eg. it appears that Frederico will be
using the current gnomecal corba interface, and unless there are too
drastic changes to the gnomecal objects, porting should be quite smooth.


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