RE: design issues

Colin Walters writes:
 > I recently got most of the gnome-pilot system to work, and I am 
 > generally happy with it. However, I am curious why the various 
 > synchronization tools are capplets for the GNOME control panel. 
 >They don't really seem to fit in. All of the other capplets exist to 
 >allow you to tweak configuration settings, whereas the pilot 
 >synchronization is something that is logically independent of one's 
 >GNOME configuration settings, and is something that one will need to 
 >do multiple times per day. 

  Well they are configuration, and ideally  you only need to setup them 
up once. If you have gpilotd running (via panel_applet) you shouldn't
need to start gnomecc again. However I will agree with you the current 
state of capplet for each conduit is not very good and becoming
unmanagable. I have some ideas to change this to be part of a single
gui, perhaps a single capplet, perhaps a standalone app, or perhaps
both. A new pilotlink capplet is also in the works.

 >Does anyone know how the Windows software that comes with the Palm 
 >Pilot handles these issues? 

 >I think a better idea would be to have something like pilotcc. 

 What is "pilotcc"?


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