Re: Building from CVS ...

On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, Seth wrote:

> 	Okay, I'm probably missing something real bloody obvious, I'm just
> not familiar enough with the autogen stuff to know where to start looking 
> for my brain damage, so I'll ask the question ...

Eh, have you installed the rest of gnome and automake ?
Try a "automake --version". That error looks like aclocal didn't find the
AM_* methods, in which case most of the configure script consists of the
AM_* calls, which then ofcourse are undefined.

You should be able to do :
[deity@quad gnome-pilot]$ aclocal -I macros/
[deity@quad gnome-pilot]$ automake
[deity@quad gnome-pilot]$ autoconf
[deity@quad gnome-pilot]$ 

If any of these fail, check your aclocal/auto* installation.


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