Re: GNOME CVS: gnome-pilot jrb

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999 wrote:

> Whoops.  Looks like I have Capplets on the brain.  I meant Conduit...

You poor demented boy, this is what happens to sensitive people when they
drink bad coffee.

> I could change the current one to be GnomePilotConduitStandard; write a
> really simple GnomePilotConduit, and have GnomePilotConduitBackup and
> GnomePilotConduitFile inherit from them as well.  This may be a tad
> excessive, though...

But it probably won't impose any extra overhead for the conduit
implementor, and it will be The Right Way. That way, you could do four
inheritances to cover all possible conduits :

			  	/ \
	| 			 |		 |		|
GnomePilotSyncAbsConduit 	 |	GnomePilotFileConduit   |
				 |				|
			GnomePilotSimpleConduit  GnomePilotBackupConduit

	GnomePilotFileConduit = { install_db, restore_directory }
	GnomePilotBackupConduit = { backup, /* backup_db */ }
	GnomePilotSimpleConduit = { get_creator_id,get_db_name,...
					synchronize }
	GnomePilotSyncAbsConduit = { stuff from GnomePilotSimpleConduit
					plus stuff from SyncAbs }.

Since eg. the email conduit probably won't benefit from using the SyncAbs
system, but calendar, address and friends will.


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