Re: [gnome-love] Tinderbox (automatic daily build) for GNOME

On Sat, Apr 01, 2006 at 10:48:58AM -0500, Luis Villa wrote:
> [...]
> Feel free to edit/annotate. For discussion on the list:
> Hard Requirements For a New Tinderbox Tool/Setup
>     * Supports Big List O'Modules: Support building a long chain of
> modules- jhbuild is well north of 100 modules now for a default gnome
> build. This may seem obvious, but it is relevant- at least some build
> tools are basically optimized for one module/one checkout scenarios,
> and as a result, some off-the-shelf stuff doesn't work for us.
> [...]
>     * Documented: How the tool was made to work with GNOME must be
> written down so that others can maintain it and use it. We've had too
> many tools like this that were made to run once by a mad genius who
> then left the project, or lost interest, and so when it broke we just
> had to discontinue the service.

My two cents:
      * Security, logs may be authenticated, maybe signed some way,
encription should not be an important requirement.
      * Deployment, it would be nice if the compilation package for the
people running the integration process will be easily installed and
configured (.rpm, .deb, tar.gz packages), it must not have much
requirements, both software and connections.
      * Regression testing, performance, memory, etc. Should be integrated
in the results and even in the information in the future: valgrinded
executions, profiling tests (maybe with some kind of conditions which can
cause an error), etc.
      * Erros parsers easily modified, it would be interesting if they could
be independent of the client type: architecture, compiler, etc.
      * Report in different formats and information summaries, that way a
lot of places can integrate different information from the main integration


Alejandro Garcia Castro
mailto: acastro igalia com

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