Re: Cross Distro Spec Files

On 6/15/05, Christian Lohmaier <cloph cup uni-muenchen de> wrote:
> Distros will build their own packages anyway.


To be very clear here (partially in response to Greg's email)- my goal
here, and what I think should be this group's goal, is *not* to
produce spec files distros or even necessarily end-users can use[1].
My goal (and again, I think what should be this group's goal) is to
produce packages of gnome's stable and unstable[2] releases that the
gnome project can distribute to testers and users. Spec files (of
whatever sort) are only a means to that end, so 'clean' doesn't matter
as long as the packages work for the testers/users and the specs can
be maintained by volunteer humans. That's MNSHO anyway.

So... if someone has a different way to produce packages easily and
maintainably across distros that is different from James' solution,
speak up :)[3]


[1] though if that happens, great, but realistically most distros are
forced to rewrite things themselves anyway, for their own custom
autobuild setups
[2] particularly unstable, and ideally of CVS
[3]Ximian semi-provided such a solution, but it was too complicated
for us to use at the time- if anyone wants to look at that, for the
archives, the tool's home page is:
and the build buddy conf files for gnome cvs (outdated) are at:

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