Re: tinderboxing stuff

Gah, this was meant to go to the list as well.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: tinderboxing stuff
From:    "James Andrewartha" <jamesa daa com au>
Date:    Sat, August 13, 2005 3:07 pm
To:      "Luis Villa" <luis villa gmail com>

>> Build fixes:
>> - Solaris uses sys/sockio.h instead of linux/socket.h
> You said Davyd committed this one, right? Or at least filed it?

Yeah, this is committed. I can't get jhbuild to patch it in for some
reason, so that will have to wait until the next anoncvs update.

>> - fontconfig needs to be told to use the gnu iconv if glib is using it
(I have  --with-libiconv=gnu in my autogenargs)
> Blah. Should that be filed upstream?

Probably. I'm not entirely sure my patch is correct, but it does make it

>> - pango has an example cairosimple that is missing ldflags or something
(also commented out)
> Bug filed? The pango/glib/gtk guys have been really good about dealing
with this sort of thing lately.
>> - gtk needs some autofoo to deal with having Xft in the prefix while
having the standard X libs/headers in the system locations (needs a
> Bug filed?

Neither of these have been filed.

>> I think that's all the things I've done to the vanilla source.
> And has that gotten it going, or have you just stalled out?

Stalled out, but it was 6am when I wrote that email. gtk+ is obviously a
big blocker, without it nothing graphical is going to get compiled. I
could fix it on mudhead by apt-getting libxft-dev, but that's not an
option for manbo.

Looking ahead at some failures (mainly for my own reference):
- libpixman dies in a very odd way
- gnome-icon-theme, libgnomecups (and a few others) have intltool oddness:
config.status: executing intltool commands
./config.status: ./ No such file or directory
- mozilla doesn't like my crazy proxy-including CVSROOT
- howl needs to find getopt somewhere
- libxklavier needs libXkl or something?
- poppler can't find cairo correctly
- libgcrypt has linking issues
- libgtop needs to find glibtop
- isocodes needs to know python isn't always in /usr/bin
- libmusixbrainz is c++, ugh
- gnome-backgrounds has a po error.

Oh, and manbo's atom feed is now at

James Andrewartha

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