Re: RPM Build System

On Thursday, November 14, 2002, at 11:31 AM, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

Howdy folks! I just realized that I sent this several other places, but
it never made it here.  Whoops!  Here's what I sent out to
advogato/rpm-list freshrpms net   I could use some more feedback.

I have need for a system that can take SRPMs and build them in to binary
RPMs in an unattended manner. I wrote up some of my thoughts on the
topic, in a rather haphazard manner, and put them online here[1]. I've
also put up the XML source[2], (though it's using DocBook 4.1.2 instead
of DocBook 4.2, because 4.2 doesn't work properly on my RHL8.0 box)

Greg -

I know you are on the rpm list so I'm sure you saw the posting about some rpm python utilities and example code but for others, check out There's some good stuff there and I think it could be helping in building this system.

I'm hoping to have some other feedback on the actual process in a bit as I've built something similar for work..


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